Welcome to one of our newest log furniture pages! We hope you will like our growing selection of log mirror frames now available in several types of wood and various dimensions. Most rustic mirrors come with a standard 1/8th inch glass secured within a wooden frame and utilize luan backing for additional support.
The Silhouette Series Furniture captures various outdoor scenes in beautiful metal silhouettes. The scenes are cut out by a northern master artisian and painted a durable flat black.
The logs used in the Cottage Series Furniture have been debarked and then run through a German Peeler to take away the first layer of wood. The result is a log that is fairly uniform in dimension, but rough to the touch. We offer the option in this group to order it sanded or un-sanded and finished or unfinished. Here is what Gina from Tuscola, IN, had to say about her moose etched mirror: " I got the mirror, and I loved it. Thank you."
Our Mountain Series Furniture is made without altering the natural shape of the log used in the construction. In most cases, only the bark has been removed, leaving knots, curves, worm tracks and other natural variances in the wood. The furniture made in this series is generally slightly larger in diameter and less uniform than the other series because it hasn’t been machined as much as the other series on our site. Because they are slightly larger, they are also slightly heavier as well.